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Committee Descriptions

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The Chartering Chair works closely with students, faculty, and local Kiwanis clubs who share an interest in establishing or reviving CKI Clubs. Through collaboration and teamwork, the Chartering Chair helps to bring these clubs to life and create opportunities for community service and leadership.

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This committee chair is responsible for planning and executing both the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) and District Convention (DCON). This chair maintains communication with his/her advisor, the District Governor, and other members on the District Board.

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Kiwanis Family

This committee chair acts as a liaison between CKI, Kiwanis, and the other Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) (K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, and Aktion Club). This person plans a recruitment event for Key Club's DCON in April and is responsible for creating and distributing a directory with Kiwanis Family Contacts that they deem is appropriate. 

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The Legal Chair is the expert of our Bylaws and ensures that all aspects, from the club level to the District level, are adhered throughout. The chair must become well-versed on Robert's Rules of Order so that all Board Meetings are ran efficiently and legitimately. 

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Membership Development and Education

This chair assists all clubs in the district to maintain healthy membership levels, properly educate and induct new members, and improve the quality of club leadership so as to maximize the growth of the club and the member experience. 

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Membership Recruitment

The role of the Membership Recruitment Chair is to ensure that current members have the necessary resources and support to bring in new members. They aid to implement retention strategies so that clubs can continue to grow and thrive.

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Public Relations

This chair creates promotional materials and disperse it via social media outlets (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc) to make all members in the District aware and up-to-date on LTC, DCON, CKIx, and other relevant events. 

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This chair is responsible for ensuring clubs have the necessary resources and assistance to plan and execute effective, meaningful, and impactful service projects. They also promote and support events related to the Governor's Project each year. The service chair will compile a list of possible service projects that smaller clubs can use to help build their clubs. 



The Webmaster ensures that the website is properly represented to the public through Internet-based mediums. The chair creates, updates, and maintains the District website.

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